So much volatility across the globe, both economic and geo-political, that it is like a perfect storm brewing…and we are worried about NFL replacement refs!
But even in this volatile time there are still opportunities to make positive strides – searching for and being aware of the ‘windows of opportunity’ and then being prepared and able to execute, to take advantage of those windows when they open, that is the pathway to striding forward.
Current windows of opportunity:
Refinance – both residential and commercial
Deposits – the potential sun setting of the unlimited deposit insurance coverage
With volatility comes opportunity if we will seek it out and persevere!
Global Growth Has Collapsed
The below chart comes from Morgan Stanley's latest Strategy Forum deck, and though it's simple, we suspect a lot of people haven't seen it yet, or really haven't made the connection between the chart and other big economic stories of the day.
This is the chart that's causing warnings from FedEx.
This is the chart that's contributed to the collapse of the Shanghai Composite.
This is the why the Baltic Dry Index is down 60% this year.
It's why US manufacturing indices are giving off the weakest signs of the economy.
If the US goes into a recession in the next year, this will almost certainly be why.
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